Jewelry Care

Preserving Shininess

All Ori Mediterranei jewelry is treated with anti-oxidation substances to help protect it from oxidation, however it is important to follow our care instructions. Your jewelry may blacken with prolonged outdoor exposure. Oxidation is a natural process and can be cleaned. We recommend that our customers remove their jewelry before going to bed or exercising. Exposure to certain environments or aggressive chemicals will compromise the integrity of your jewelry. These include, but are not limited to: sweat, perfume, cleaning products, chlorine, salt water, and enamel.

Cleaning Your Jewelry

Pour a small amount of neutral soap into lukewarm water and use a small, soft toothbrush to clean your jewelry. Toothbrushes are ideal for cleaning jewelry with intricate details that may be difficult to clean. If dirt is difficult to remove, soak your jewelry in clean water. IMPORTANT: Gold plated jewelry requires additional care. Using your toothbrush intensively may cause the gold plating to disappear, so it is important to perform this process gently to prevent the plating from disappearing. If your silver jewelry has become dull, a silver cleaning cloth is a great
way to restore its shine. However, it will not remove scratches.

How to Store Your Jewelry

Jewelry should be stored away from direct sunlight and heat, in a protective (padded) jewelry box or an oxidation-proof bag. They can also be stored in a hermetically sealed polyethylene bag. Never use polyvinyl plastic bags, such as garbage bags, because they contain sulfur compounds, or rubber containers that will cause faster oxidation than sterling silver and may turn it black. Do not store your jewelry in the bathroom or other damp places.

Important note

Ori mediterranei non può garantire che i suoi gioielli placcati in oro dureranno per sempre. I pezzi placcati in oro sono, per natura, più fragili e più proni a perdere il loro colore col passare del tempo. La velocità alla quale la placcatura svanisce dipenderà da molteplici variabili, dai prodotti chimici usati per la cura della pelle, al livello di sudorazione e persino dal PH naturale della tua pelle. Per
questo motivo è particolarmente importante prendersi cura in modo speciale dei tuoi gioielli placcati in oro. Per qualsiasi ulteriore chiarimento contattaci all’indirizzo [email protected], saremo felici di aiutarti a far splendere i tuoi gioielli come il giorno in cui li hai comprati.