Jewelery Care

Preserve the shine

All Ori Mediterranei jewelery is treated with anti-tarnish substances to help protect it from tarnishing, however it is important to follow our care instructions. Your jewelry may tarnish with prolonged exposure to outdoors. Oxidation is a natural process and can be cleaned up. We recommend our customers remove their jewelry before going to bed or exercising. Exposure to certain environments or harsh chemicals will compromise the integrity of
your jewel. These include, but are not limited to: perspiration, perfume, cleaning products, chlorine, salt water, and nail polish.

Clean your jewelry

Pour a small amount of mild soap into warm water and use a small, soft toothbrush to clean your jewelry. Toothbrushes are ideal for cleaning jewelry with intricate detail, which may be difficult to clean. If the dirt is difficult to remove, immerse i
jewelry in clean water. IMPORTANT: Gold plated jewelry requires additional care. Heavy brushing may cause the gold plating to wear off, so it's important to do this process gently to avoid the plating wearing off. If your silver jewelry has become dull, a silver cleaning cloth is great
tool to restore their shine. However, it will not remove scratches.

How to store your jewelry

Jewelery should be stored away from direct sunlight and heat, in a protective (padded) jewelery box or tarnish proof bag. They can also be stored in a polyethylene ziplock bag. Never use polyvinyl plastic bags, such as trash bags, as they contain sulfur compounds, or rubber containers which will cause sterling silver to tarnish faster and may turn black. Do not store your jewelry in the bathroom or other damp places.

Important note

Ori Mediterranei cannot guarantee that its gold plated jewelery will last forever. Gold-plated pieces are, by nature, more fragile and more likely to lose their color over time. The speed at which the plating wears off will depend on many variables, the chemicals used for skin care, the level of perspiration and even the natural PH of your skin. For
for this reason it is especially important to take special care of your gold-plated jewelry. For any further clarification, contact us at [email protected], we will be happy to help you make your jewels shine like the day you bought them.